
Showing posts from October, 2012

Visit from Mom and Dad

Finally, they are here!  Mom and Dad arrived on Wed., Oct. 17th for their first visit to VT. I drove down to Boston to pick them up and we had a fun time catching up on the ride back.  Boston is only about 2 hours and 30 minutes away - just a short drive now, so come on up and visit :) The drive back through New Hampshire and Vermont was quite lovely. Lots of golden trees and a pop of red here and there.  We missed the full effect of the turning of the leaves but it sure was lovely.  The mountains here are wide and long - encompassing your whole view. Coming up over crest of a hill the view opened up to the green mountains. While Mom and Dad were here we visited, Quechee, VT,  Woodstock,VT, Lyme, NH, Hanover, NH, drove around the Dartmouth campus, had lunch and toured around Hanover, visited around Norwich, VT and drove down to W. Lebanon, NH so they could see my "shopping" run!  We toured back roads and highways all who's scenery was full of color.  We had one d

Catching up.....

It has been awhile since I have been here - I have missed documenting our adventures! We have been enjoying a lovely fall and now it seems to be a golden October. The boys are excited about the upcoming Halloween events. We have been told to expect up to 200 trick or treaters!!  But they have also been thinking about HMS Pumpkin Patch and the Halloween "tour" in Hudson that they enjoyed so much.  Time marches on. Thomas has lost his first tooth.  It was an upper front tooth that had a damaged root from rough play, no doubt with "the brothers"!  He was so excited and it happened at school so he had the coveted tooth chest hanging around his neck. William also lost a tooth, his last baby tooth.  Two ends of the spectrum. A couple of Friday's ago we hosted around 60 faculty and staff from Thetford Academy for a cookout. A good time was had by all. We also celebrated James' 9th birthday on Oct. 14th! He had a great group of boys over and they had a great tim

Fall Photos

 My morning walk to school with Thomas prompted me to get out and take some photos of the turning leaves and the scenery around me.  The first four photos are from a week or so ago of Lake Fairlee.  Turning leaves littering the gravel walk.  Side view of our home  Fog/clouds rolling past - view from across the street  The Thetford Hill Green - historic place - Congregational Church at the end.  Houses on the other side of the street with mountain view and low lying clouds  Another view of our home  View from directly across the street  Thetford Academy  Across the street from the Academy  Tie-Up Post